Friday, September 30, 2011

Best Classroom Graphics EVER

I just found the best graphics for elementary teachers.  Thistle Girl Designs
She has the cutest artwork designs for elementary teachers.  I normally do not sign up and pay for artwork, but this gal has the cutest artwork I have EVER seen.

I love her designs. and I am sure you will too.  Go check out her website.  It is darling.  You may fall in love with it as I have!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Ryan caught a 4 lb bass.  Grandpa took a picture of the proud little guy with his catch.  Grandma (me) used Pages, part of the iWork suite, to create a fake magazine cover.

The tip that helped me the most:  When using the Wrap Inspector, set the Object causes wrap, then set the extra space to zero.  That allows you to place images and text very close or even right on top of each other.
Pages has become my favorite word processing program.  I practically never use Microsoft Word any more.  I hope you find Pages as fun as I have.